Our Philosophy

We believe there are three main components that owners need to learn in order to achieve and maintain a healthy and successful relationship with their dog.

We train all sizes, ages, and breeds of dogs. pictured is a young Great Dane, and a smooth Coat Fox Terrier who is deaf. The terrier is learning hand signals while working with the distraction of the Great Dane. Both dogs are off-leash and areappropriately socializing.


The picture above shows an interaction between a young pup properly offering humility to an older mature dog.

1. Who is Your Dog?

The first step is developing an awareness of your dog. For example, is your dog motivated by food, by other dogs or animals, or with people? Do any of these motivations make your dog too-excited, and “over-threshold”?  Do any of these stimulus make your dog nervous or reactive?  Are you able to recognize these signs?

2. The Off Switch

Dogs are not people and they operate according to different stimulation triggers. Consider whether you are able to influence or stop your dog when they are overstimulated or engaged in behavior that can be dangerous. For example, are you able to control your dog without a leash or the use of treats? Can you stop your dog if they suddenly bolt out of the door in order to chase a squirrel?

A cattle dog clearly communicates with a “hard eye” that he is not ready to play.

3. Dog Body Posture

Dogs provide a great deal of information through their body language. Your dog’s posture will often tell you everything you need to know about their mental state. However, if you are not adept at “reading” your dog’s body language you will miss the moments when your dog is the most receptive to learning.

Learn more about our dog training classes and contact us to schedule training.